
The term "womb" is commonly associated with the female reproductive organs, specifically the uterus. However, it is important to acknowledge that the concept of the Womb extends beyond the physical organ and encompasses the entire energetic space in that region. Therefore, individuals who have undergone a partial or full hysterectomy can still benefit from Womb Healing.
The Womb space can be seen as an emotional storage area where we hold energetic imprints of past relationships, emotional memories, and trauma. These imprints can remain buried in our subconscious, leading to energetic blocks in our womb space (or Hara for men).
Furthermore, the Womb is not only a storage space but also a source of profound wisdom and creative power. It is where we give birth to new life or new ideas. Birthing is not confined to the physical realm in the form of a child; we all experience the energetic birthing process when bringing forth new projects, businesses, intentions, or ways of living. When energetic blocks emerge in our sacral chakra, we may feel stagnant. The unhindered flow of our Shakti energy is crucial for clarity and empowerment. Our Wombs serve as direct conduits for spirit to manifest in the physical realm, whether that involves the birth of a baby or the inspiration to materialize an idea.
Womb Healing seeks to restore the womb to its original state of innocence. Through intuitive healing techniques, energy work, bodywork, nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments, trauma and emotional blocks can be cleared from the womb, along with past imprints from previous partners. Womb Healing also aids in dissolving energy cords of attachment and supports emotional healing from losses such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortions.
Each Womb Healing journey is unique and personalised, addressing the specific sacral blocks that individuals are currently working through. Sessions are nurturing and deeply relaxing, offering an opportunity to connect with the profound Feminine Consciousness. Womb Healing is a highly transformative experience with the potential to heal ancestral wounds that have been carried for centuries.
How Would You Like to Nurture Your Sacred Womb

A Sacred Womb Massage is a 2hr session that includes sacred abdominal massage, focusing on your lower and upper back , your buttocks, your upper chest, underneath your ribs and sternum to create space .
All the time shifting stagnant energy that may have been created by past experiences or emotions that we haven’t allowed ourselves heal. This is a nourishing massage for your body and you will leave feeling lighter and refreshed.
The treatment is a combination of Lomi Lomi Massage, Polarity Therapy and Energy Healing. Women have used massaging of the womb and abdominal areas for centuries to heal themselves and others.
Who is a Sacred Womb Massage for?
Anyone who may need support with
Emotional blockages,
Lower back pain
Menstruation issues
Fertility issues
And many more

Womb Breathwork is a gentle and transformative approach to energetically healing the sacred womb space, the sacral chakra and our energy portal to the spirit world.
Womb Breathwork has been created on the foundations of, my mentor Suntara's, Yin (Rebirthing) Breathwork.
Once I have guided you into the breathing rhythm connecting your breath to your heart and womb you are already well on the way to the deep meditative state.
Throughout the session I will incorporate Sound Healing using a number of instruments such as Native American Flute, Medicine Drum, River Drum, Crystal Bowls, Tongue Drum and Koshi Chimes and my voice.
Who is Sacred Womb Breathwork for?
Anyone who may need support with
Connecting back to their Womb
Clearing emotional blockages
Creating space to create life or ideas
Lower back and/or hip pain
Menstruation issues
And many more
"I feel empowered, proud, happy, encouraged, loved, enlightened, reconnected to my mind, body and soul. I feel able and I feel privileged.''
On Saturday I had my first ever Energy Womb Healing and meditation session with Emma. I went in open minded but guarded.
We began with Emma explaining how the session was going to go and from there we started with breathing and then onto Reiki. As I laid there focusing on my breaths my tummy felt tight with every inhalation. Emma started at my head and as she got to my chest I could feel my emotions start crashing like waves. I wanted to cry but my guard stopped me. She made her way to my sacral chakra and slowly but surely I could feel things shifting. Tears were slowly streaming down my cheeks.
Once we finished the Reiki we proceeded with the Womb meditation. I had done simple guided meditations on spotify before but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to experience.
Emma brought my focus back to my breathing. I felt lighter but still restricted. As Emma began guiding me I started to envision myself in the words she was saying. Every description I saw it. Whether it be walking along a windy path I was doing it. It was completely tangible.
During the meditation I was guided by a spirit guide to a Jade temple. There was a point during this where emotionally I could feel myself let go and release some of tension within my womb. When this happened it appeared as though there was Jade radiating from below me and pushing its way through my womb. Almost like a beam of greenlight shooting from my stomach and taking all of the tension, pain, stiffness, hostility and negativity with it. My lower stomach felt like it was being held by a pair of hands and then all of a sudden it was soft. I felt free. Unchained.
By this point I was very emotional and allowed myself to surrender to it. At first they were tears of hurt, desperation and heartache and they were rushing down my face. Then all of a sudden the tears were still there but so was a smile. I felt happy. I felt relieved. My heart had softened and after years of anguish I finally felt content.
For almost 8 years I had been on a lonely and unending fertility journey resulting in constant disappointment. This much time spent housing all of the negative thoughts and trauma had consumed my entire being. For the first time in 8 years I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. I felt content and full. I am unbound and I am grateful. What I experienced allowed me to let go of all of the things holding me back from just being. But I don’t feel negative thoughts to how I was feeling anymore instead I feel positive about where I am going from here. I feel present and I feel whole.
After the session Emma stood with me and asked me if it would be ok for her to share some things that came through to her. 1 that really resonated with me is that she sees a spirit guide of mine which is a little boy. She wants me to know that he walks beside me all the time. The thing is when I was experiencing my walk to the Jade temple guided by my spirit guide the guide I envisioned was a little boy. Emma had no idea of this during or after my meditation until she told me what she knew.
I can’t put into words how this entire experience has impacted me but what I can suggest is when you are ready or even if you feel like you don’t know please reach out to Emma. Everyone needs to experience what I have in their own way for their own journey.
I have a profound sense of gratitude for what Emma helped me to accomplish. I feel empowered, proud, happy, encouraged, loved, enlightened, reconnected to my mind, body and soul. I feel able and I feel privileged.
Thank you so much Emma
- Testimonial from Harmony B 2020
* Harmony gave birth to a healthy baby boy in July 2021

When I started my breath work journey back in February I had very little idea what to expect and Emma explained everything and coached me through how to breathe and fall into my breathe.
At one of my fortnightly sessions in May 2023 I had a huge emotional release more than I’ve ever had in a session before. A lot of letting go of past trauma and negative emotions and healing had happened during this session that was beautifully guided by Emma.
Leading up to this session I had the realisation that I need to heal my inner child and my womb to clear the space for one day to start my own family. At each session this realisation became even more evident.
Since the age of 14/15 I have also lived with PCOS and endometriosis. Years and years of being on different contraceptives I made the decision to come off them in 2021 and start my healing journey. Through attending breathwork and womb healing sessions I have also healed my body from endometriosis and PCOS and now my womb is happier than it has ever been. This was confirmed via a transvaginal ultrasound of which I had had plenty before. The ultrasound showed no signs of PCOS or endometriosis nor and signs of scar tissue.
After my big release session my next two following sessions at the end of May were the most relaxed and calm I had felt in a very long time. It was beautiful and so peaceful I just can’t explain it. I felt so relaxed yet so full of energy.
A few days after the 2nd calm session in May I realised that I had felt a little different that week and thought maybe it was just from the session however intuition told me otherwise.
My beautiful daughter is now coming earth side in February of 2024 and I am forever grateful and thankful for Emma guiding me through to shift and free all the energy that was no longer serving me so that I could heal my body and Womb and create a healthy space for a beautiful life to come into this world 💗💗💗
I have continued to have breathwork session during my pregnancy and have asked Emma to be with me during labour so she can guide me through breathwork as I birth my baby girl into this world.
Testimonial from Stephanie M 2023